White monsters at Loch Ness

Sometimes one sees something out on the loch, or on the shore, that suddenly explains one or more sightings from the past. It is one of the more  interesting aspects of "Loch Ness Investigation"  and helps students of the subject  to understand what some of the witnesses may have seen when they themselves didn't recognise it at the time. This approach is different from the usual question of whether the witnesses were telling the truth or lying, and aims to offer the widest possible range of  candidate phenomena.


This page gives readers the chance to compare some rough video I recorded in May 2012 at Temple Pier, Urquhart Bay, Loch Ness with the photographs of the white objects photographed near the north-east end of Loch Ness by Mr Richard Preston in November 2010.



Video Copyright Dick Raynor 2012

Photo Copyright Richard Preston 2010


The white patches are most likely separate reflections of the sun in the three windows, bouncing off the water surface, not reflections of the house.

The sun moves across the sky at 1° every 4 minutes but is only ½° in diameter, so any alignment of stationary observer, two mirrors and sun will only last for 2 minutes between the sun’s right limb entering alignment and the left limb leaving it.

In the present case the second mirror – the loch surface – is rippled so the actual time of alignment could be extended slightly both before and after the real alignment.

The 5 photographs were all taken by Mr Preston within a period of 2 minutes. My video was taken from a moving boat and so the alignment only lasted for a few seconds, allowing the genuine observation of something like a beluga whale surfacing briefly.

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Copyright Dick Raynor 2012

Creative Commons Licence
"White monsters at Loch Ness" by Dick Raynor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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