What to read?People wishing to get involved in lake monster research should know what has gone before and the list of twenty or so books below will cover most of the major events. Some books are new, but others were written nearly 60 years ago. If you do not wish to buy second-hand copies of some of these books, try to borrow them from a library - they were usually written by people who had spent a lot of time and effort directly researching the subject. This is your source material until you start your own field research. Then it will still be your source material!
Of the books currently in print, some genuinely contribute to our knowledge of the subject, and some appear to struggle! However, I do not think there is any book which is "not worth reading". I only wish the same could be said of the lake monster web sites. In both media some of the authors do "bang on" and promote their favourite theory with disregard for the lack of supporting evidence, others seem so devoid of critical faculties that one wonders how they manage to cross a road safely, while yet others combine flashes of brilliance with total lapses of common sense. Nevertheless, some of them get it partly right some of the time, especially the bits they copied from the older books. Read and enjoy!
I have been amazed at the extensive facilities offered by Amazon.com, and Amazon.co.uk not only in supplying new books but also in tracking down some of the classics, and being able to supply documentary and other videos, cd's, tapes and records, software, hardware, toys, tools and lots more.
Many but not all items are found on both companies sites, and people may find it easier ordering from their "local" company. I have not checked exhaustively, but I have used the US flag icon
to mark items available through Amazon.com, and the UK flag icon
for Amazon.co.uk - once you have found a title or author simply use the search boxes to find where the books are. I don't have the time to keep updating the availability so please check it for yourself.
Just remember they are different companies on different continents, so keep your orders separate!
This page is intended to help us both. You are given some pointers towards books which you might find interesting, and if you decide to buy them - or any of the other items which Amazon sell- online through my links to Amazon, I get a small commission which will help the research project.
I have not finished locating and uploading cryptozoological, biological, limnological and other related titles, but feel free to tell me of ones I have missed so far. The purpose of the list is to show the range of literature available, and to help more experienced readers along the paths of their choice. There are sections on lake monsters, land and other monsters from around the world, Scottish lakes and their biology, and Folklore and Legends. Despite claims by Loch Ness "monster hunters" Frank Searle and Jan Sundberg to have seen aliens and their spacecraft at Loch Ness, I have not yet included a section of books on this subject. However, a vast literature, like the Truth, is "Out There", and if you think the UFO subject is worth a closer look, go to my Flying Saucer page.
Books about the Loch Ness Monster
I am not going to review these titles, as different readers will benefit from reading different books, but I am happy to mark them with **if I have found them "very useful",*if "interesting", and ~if I have "no opinion" - and this will include books I am not familiar with, or have not yet read.The find out about availability, prices, reviews and other editions , just click on the blue text and have fun!
The Loch Ness Monster and Others by Rupert T Gould**![]()
Geoffrey Bles, London 1934 and University Books, New York, 1969
also see Enigmas ~and Oddities~
The Case for the Sea Serpent by R.T.Gould
Philip Allen, London, 1930
More than a Legend by Constance Whyte **
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1957 (rev 1961)Loch Ness Monster by Tim Dinsdale **
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1961 SBN 7100 1279 9
Chilton Books, Philadelphia, 1962The Leviathans by Tim Dinsdale
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1966
Project Water Horse by Tim Dinsdale*![]()
The Great Orm of Loch Ness by F.W. Holiday **![]()
Faber & Faber, London 1968 SBN 571 08473 7
The Dragon and the Disc by F.W.Holiday*![]()
Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1973 ISBN 0283979151
Serpents of the Sky, Dragons of the Earth by F.W.Holiday~![]()
see also The Goblin Universe~![]()
Loch Ness Story by Nicholas Witchell **![]()
Terence Dalton England 1974
The Monsters of Loch Ness by Roy P. Mackal**![]()
Swallow Press USA and Futura, London 1976 ISBN 0 8600 7381 5
The Enigma of Loch Ness by Henry H Bauer*![]()
University of Illinois 1986, Johnston and Bacon,Stirling, 1991
The Loch Ness Monster - The Evidence by Steuart Campbell **![]()
Aquarian Press 1986 and Aberdeen University Press 1991
Nessie - The Surgeon's Photograph Exposed by David Martin and Alastair Boyd**![]()
Martin and Boyd, England, 1999
The Encyclopedia of the Loch Ness Monster by Paul Harrison ~![]()
Robert Hale, England, 1999
Books about other mysterious land and water monsters
On the Track of Unknown Animals**
by Bernard Heuvelmans, Richard Garnett (Translator), Alika Lindbergh (Illustrator)
Hardcover - 676 pages 0 edition (May 15, 1995)
Kegan Paul Intl; ISBN: 0710304986
Out of the Shadows by Tony Healy and Paul Cropper**![]()
Ironbark, Australia, 1994 ISBN 0 330 27499 6
A Living Dinosaur - In Search of Mokele-Mbembe by Roy P. Mackal **![]()
see also Searching for Hidden Animals (0385148976) and the forthcoming...
Where Legends Roam by Lee Murphy, Edited by Roy P Mackal ~![]()
Champ Quest - The Ultimate Search Field Guide & Almanac for Lake Champlain by Dennis Jay Hall ~
In the Domain of the Lake Monsters by John Kirk~![]()
ISBN: 1552630102
Cadborosaurus, Survivor from the Deep by Paul LeBlond and Ed Blousfield~![]()
Cryptozoology A to Z The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters,
Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature![]()
by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe. Illustrated by Harry Trumbore~
Avon Books, 1999 ISBN 0-380-80263-5
The Great New England Sea Serpent: An Account of Unknown Creatures Sighted by Many Respectable Persons Between 1638 and the Present Day **![]()
J. P. O'Neill
Hydra and Kraken, Or, the Lore and Lure of Lake-Monsters and Sea-Serpents ~
Noel Peattie
Paperback (July 1996)
Regent Pr; ISBN: 0916147991
Water Monsters (Unsolved Mysteries)~
Brian Innes
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Library Binding - 48 pages (September 1998)
Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers; ISBN: 081725479XTom Slick And The Search For The Yeti by Loren Coleman
Paperback ( 2 September, 1991)
ISBN: 057116434X
Bigfoot Sasquatch : Evidence![]()
Grover S. Krantz
Paperback 2nd Rev edition (June 1999)
Hancock House Pub Ltd; ISBN: 0888394470
On the Track of the Sasquatch
by John Green
Paperback (March 1995)
Hancock House Pub Ltd; ISBN: 0888393415
The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide
by Loren Coleman
Paperback - 224 pages (April 1999)
Avon Books; ISBN: 0380802635
Background reading for in-depth information
John Sidley
Hardcover (1990)
Beekay International; ISBN: 0947674292The European freshwater eel
by Vishwa Raman Prasad SinhaThe freshwater eel
by Francine Jacobs
NY: William Morrow and Company, 1973.The Eels' Strange Journey
by Judi Friedman
(for children)Catfish
Kevin Maddocks![]()
Hardcover (31 December, 1990)
Beekay International; ISBN: 0947674330
The Catfish Connection![]()
Ronaldo Barthem, Michael Goulding
Hardcover - 162 pages (11 September, 1997)
Columbia University Press; ISBN: 023110832XCatfish Compendium
Steven Grant
Paperback (December 1999)
D M A Wright; ISBN: 0953769909They Dined on Eland: The Story of the Acclimatization Societies
by Christopher Lever![]()
Hardcover - 192 pages (1992)
Quiller Press Ltd; ISBN: 1870948599Naturalized mammals of the world
by Christopher LeverNaturalized Fishes of the World
by Christopher Lever
Hardcover - 408 pages (September 1996)
Academic Press Inc; ISBN: 0124447457
The Atlantic Salmon![]()
William M. Shearer BSc MSc CBiol FlBiol
Hardcover - 264 pages ( 6 July, 1992)
Fishing News Books (FNB); ISBN: 0852381883
Salmon, Trout and Charr of the World![]()
Rupert Watson
Hardcover - 312 pages (30 April, 1999)
Swan Hill Press; ISBN: 185310888X
Fishing for Wild Trout in Scottish Lochs![]()
Lesley Crawford
Hardcover - 147 pages (June 1996)
Swan Hill Press; ISBN: 1853105953
The Hamlyn Guide to Freshwater Fish of Britain and Europe![]()
Peter S. Maitland
Paperback - 256 pages (March 2000)
Hamlyn; ISBN: 0600596907Acidification and Fish in Scottish Lochs
P. Maitland, A. Lyle, R. Campbell
Paperback - 72 pages (1987)
The Stationery Office Agencies; ISBN: 187039304X
The Basking Shark in Scotland![]()
Denis Fairfax
Paperback - 217 pages (21 May, 1998)
Tuckwell Press; ISBN: 1862320942History of the Coelacanth Fishes by Peter L. Forey
Hardcover - 440 pages ( 1 December, 1997)
Kluwer Academic Publishers; ISBN: 041278480
A Fish Caught in Time![]()
Samantha Weinberg
Hardcover - 250 pages ( 5 August, 1999)
Fourth Estate; ISBN: 1857029062Biology of Latimeria Chalumnae and Evolution of Coelacanths
J A Musick (Editor)
Hardcover (August 1991)
Kluwer Acad. Publrs.; ISBN: 0792312244Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes Vol. 12: The Biology of Latimeria Chalumnae and Evolution of Coalacanths
JO MUSICK, John A. Musick (Editor), Michael N. Bruton (Editor), Eugene K. Balon (Editor)
Paperback (10 July, 1991)
Kluwer Academic Publishers; ISBN: 0792312899Sturgeon Biodiversity and Conservation
Vadim J. Birstein (Editor)
Hardcover - 425 pages (12 May, 1997)
Kluwer Academic Publishers; ISBN: 0792345177Freshwater Fishes of Europe: General Introduction to Fishes; Acipenseriformes
Juraj Holcik (Editor)European Freshwater Fishes: Taxonomic Classification of All Recorded Species:
The 1996 Checklist by G H Jennings![]()
Hardcover (21 May, 1996)
Calypso Pubns; ISBN: 0906301424
Ageing in Cold-blooded Vertebrates
Bhabendra Kumar Patnaik (Editor)
Paperback - 166 pages ( 8 May, 1994)
Karger; ISBN: 380555995X
Darwin's Dreampond by Tijs Goldschmidt![]()
Paperback - 280 pages (21 April, 1998)
The MIT Press; ISBN: 0262571218Battle Against Extinction
Wendell L. Minckley, James E. Deacon
Hardcover - 500 pages (30 November, 1991)
University of Arizona Press; ISBN: 0816512213Chemical Immobilization of Wild Animals by Nielsen
Paperback - 400 pages ( 2 March, 1999)
Iowa State University Press; ISBN: 0813829364AA Baedeker's Scotland
Paperback - 384 pages ( 1 March, 1999)
AA Publishing; ISBN: 0749519940
Just click on the title to find out all the details!
Discovery Channel - Loch Ness Discovered~
Loch Ness Monster, The - Fact Or Fiction?~
Pete's Dragon - Walt Disney
Not only is this a restored version of the Walt Disney classic, but there is a hidden gem! Apart from the main title, there is a section called "Bonus Material" which includes a "Featurette" called "Man Monster and Mysteries". This is the now classic documentary film made by Ken Peterson in 1969 / 70, and includes interview sequences with Hugh Ayton, Lady Maud Baillie, Alex Campbell, Isobel Cameron, Freddy Cary, Tim Dinsdale, David James, Ted Holiday, Roy Mackal, Ivor Newby, Dan Taylor and non-speaking glimpses of Holly Arnold, Peter Davies, Rip Hepple, Clem Skelton, Ken Wallis, a whole crew of LNI volunteers, and lots of Drumnadrochit school-children. "Man Monster & Mysteries" runs for 24 minutes, and you'll want to watch it over and over again. Thanks Walt!
Click on the appropriate flag to buy the DVD and create a small commission for the research!
One of our investigators is missing. Last seen at Loch Ness over a year ago, James Jeffrey Paul has now been unmasked as the author of a racy new novel "Harry McCreedy" set in Washington DC. (ISBN 1-93085-904-X) Elderberry Press, Oakland, Oregon. Enjoy!
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